Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic

Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic

as of 21 3 2020

The situation with the Coranavirus (COVID-19) is changing  rapidly. Given the rapid changing nature of the the virus and the impact it is having locally and overseas, it is challenging to keep up to date and make decisions,  as they may need to modified with 24 hours or even less. The situation may change rapidly depending on decisions made by the Federal Government.

This presents challenging times for everyone , we at Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic  take the well being and health  of our patients, staff and doctors very seriously.

We have taken  measures to reduce the risk of infection.

If you attending the clinic you will be asked the following

  • Have you travelled overseas or returned from overseas in the past 14 days?
  • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  • Do you have fever, flu-like or respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, sputum, shortness of breath), fatigue, myalgia (muscle pain), headache?
  • Do you have symptoms of conjunctivitis?

Please contact the rooms on 03 9768 9711 to discuss options and having appointment re scheduled later. TELEHEALTH Medicine may be an option.

In addition to the above screening we are doing the following.

  1. Have adjusted waiting room chairs to keep patients separated.
  2.  Patients use hand sanitizers when entering the rooms available at the front desk reception.
  3. If you prefer, you may wait in your car and staff may call you when it is your turn to see the Orthoptist or Dr John Gioulekas. Please let the front desk staff that you have arrived and that you prefer to wait in your car  until it is your turn.
  4. We are tryimg our best to space appointments further apart.
  5. We are regularly cleaning chairs and equipment following patient consultations.
  6. When on the slit lamp being examined by the Orthoptist or Ophthalmologist, we strongly suggest not to talk during this part of the examination.
  7. Social distance of 1.5m if feasible.

We are currently trialing telehealth  medicine so it may possible to have video conference with Dr John Gioulekas through one of the mediums such as Facetime, Zoom or Skype. Please discuss with our staff to see if this is a suitable option for you. There are some limitations with this system. Please call the rooms on 03 9768 9711. 

Here are some useful links.

Australian Government Department of Health

Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology (RANZCO) COVID 19 Information.

RANZCO COVID 19 Information

Temporary telehealth  items for COVID-19  MBS Online Department of Health.

Information On Telehealth

78 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick, Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic, Dr John Gioulekas, Ophthalmic meetings

Social Media Strategies and Online Patient Education. Audio Digest Ophthalmology Volume 56 Issue 23 December 7 2018

The Key points or Educational Objectives.

  1. Recognize the importance of of social media for educating patients and promoting the ophthalmology practice.
  2. Post appropriate content on social media platforms.
  3. Choose a target audience for educational content posted to social media.
  4. Use social media to increase access to other clinicians for referrals and consultations.
  5. Handle negative review and promote positive reviews on physician review sites.
Dr John Gioulekas is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.
Dr John Gioulekas is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.
78 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick, Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic, Dr John Gioulekas, Ophthalmic meetings

Synergeyes 2018 30th of June to 1st of July 2018.

Just attended the Synergeyes 2018 meeting held at The Westin Sydney from the 30th of June to 1st of July 2018.

Topics covered include.

Session 1: Optimising refractive outcomes.

  1. Optimising refractive outcomes: astigmatism management.
  2. IOL selection. Refractive targets with individual patients.
  3. Is lens based surgery better than corneal refractive surgery.

Session 2: Is Glaucoma the new astigmatism.

  1. The paradigm shift in glaucoma: transitioning to active monitoring and early intervention.
  2. Treating mild to moderate POAG patients.
  3. Does MIGS work: what does the evidence say
  4. Does supracillary micro-stenting affect refractive outcomes.

Session 3: Complex case management vitreoretinal surgery.

  1. Role and timing of vitrectomy for endophthalmitis.
  2. Current management of epiretinal membrane.
  3. Management of VMT.
  4. Secondary intraocular lens implantation.

Official launch of Clareon AutonoMe. Automated injecting system with utilization of a CO2 cartridge..

Session 4: Cornea and complicated cataract case management.

  1. Corneal diseases a snap shot. Also RANZCO warning on stem cell. Find link.RANZCO 5 questions to ask about stem cell treatment.
  2. Corneal cross linking.
  3. Corneal graft procedures

Session 5: Cataract and glaucoma surgery considerations.

  1. IOL formulae – new generation formulae and how they work
  2. Management of residual refractive error post IOL implantation.
  3. How do you plan a post refractive patient for cataract surgery.
  4. Cataract surgery in eyes with irregular corneas.

This is just a summary of the topics covered. This is a general information and does not replace discussing your eye condition with an eye care professional.

Dr John Gioulekas
Berwick Ophthalmology Clinic
78 Gloucester Avenue
Berwick 3806
Phone. 03 9768 9711